NADISM CLUB - Meeting in Munich
Come to enjoy doing nothing.
When: Friday, 1st September
Time: 18:30
Venue: Englischer Garten in front of Monopteros
Check-in in the Facebook event page here.
- In case of rain, the event will be postponed. Please check the facebook event page for more information.
NADISM CLUB - Meeting in Munich
Come to enjoy doing nothing.
When: Friday, 6th October
Time: 17:30
Venue: Geschwister-Scholl-Platz in front of LMU
Check-in in the Facebook event page here.
- In case of rain, the event will be postponed. Please check the facebook event page for more information.

NADISM CLUB - Meeting in Munich
Come to enjoy doing nothing.
When: Friday, 11th August
Time: 18:30
Venue: Hofgarten close to Munich Residenz Palace.
Check-in in the Facebook event page here.
- In case of rain, the event will be postponed. Please check the facebook event page for more information.

NADISM CLUB - Meeting in Munich
Come to enjoy doing nothing.
When: Friday, 21th July
Time: 18:30
Venue: Geschwister-Scholl-Platz in front of LMU
Check-in in the Facebook event page here.
- In case of rain, the event will be postponed. Please check the facebook event page for more information.

NADISM CLUB - Meeting in Munich
Come to enjoy doing nothing.
When: Friday, 30th June
Time: 18:30
Venue: Englischer Garten in front of Monopteros
Check-in in the Facebook event page here.
- In case of rain, the event will be postponed. Please check the facebook event page for more information.

NADISM CLUB - Meeting in Munich
Come to enjoy doing nothing.
When: Friday, 2nd June
Time: 18:30
Venue: Munich Residenz at the Hofgarten side
Check-in in the Facebook event page here.
- In case of rain, the event will be postponed. Please check the facebook event page for more information.

NADISM CLUB - Meeting in Munich
Come to enjoy doing nothing.
When: Friday, 7th October
Time: 18:15
Venue: Englischer Garten in front of Monopteros
Check-in in the Facebook event page here.
- In case of rain, the event will be postponed. Please check the facebook event page for more information.

NADISM CLUB - Meeting in Munich
Come to enjoy doing nothing.
When: Friday, 9th September
Time: 18:15
Venue: in front of the Alter Pinakothek
Check-in for the event in Facebook here.
- In case of rain, the event will be postponed. Please check the facebook event page for more information.

NADISM CLUB - Meeting in Munich
Come to enjoy doing nothing.
When: Friday, 19th August
Time: 18:30
Venue: Englischer Garten in front of Monopteros
Check-in for the event in Facebook here.
- In case of rain, the event will be postponed. Please check the facebook event page for more information.

NADISM CLUB - Meeting in Munich
Kommen Sie zu genießen, nichts zu tun.
When: 1st July / Friday
Time: 18:30
Venue: Marienhoh Platz
Check-in for the event on Facebook here.

Nadism Club - Meeting in Munich
Date:Friday, 11th June 2016
Time: 18:30
Venue: WestPark
// Facebook event

Nadism Club - Meeting in Munich
Date:Friday, 27th May 2016
Time: 17:30
Venue: English Garden Park
// Facebook event

Nadism Club - Meeting in Munich
Date:Friday, 29th April 2016
Time: 17:30
Venue: English Garden Park
// Facebook event

Nadism Club - Meeting in Munich
Date: Saturday, 17th July de 2015
Time: 17:30
Venue: MarienHof Park
// Evento no facebook

1° NADISM Slow Mob - Munich
Friday, 19 of June
19:00 - TALK with Marcelo Bohrer, founder of the NADISMO Club, Katrin Peters from Slow Down in Munich and Julian Wildgruber, director and producer of From Business To Being.
Location - Englischer Garten in front of Monopteros
Fee - free
(in case of rain the meeting will be postponed to 21 June)

Brazil 2014

Encontro Clube de Nadismo / POA -RS
2º Encontro Distrito C: Chimarrão na Praça Florida
Data: domingo 18 de novembro às 18h
Local: Pracinha Florida (Praça Bartolomeu de Gusmão) Av. Farrapos, 1101
// Evento no facebook

Semana Acadêmica da UniRitter / POA - RS
PALESTRA: Nadismo - Quebrando a Cultura da Aceleração
Data: quarta, 24 de setembro de 2014 - Horário: 10:30
Local: UniRitter Rua Orfanotrófio, 515
// Evento no facebook

Encontro do Clube de Nadismo - PORTO ALEGRE / RS
Data: Sábado, 13 de setembro de 2014 - Horário: 15:30
Local: Praça do DMAE - Av. 24 de Outubro esq. Dr. Vale
// Evento no facebook

Encontro do Clube de Nadismo - PORTO ALEGRE / RS
Data: Sábado, 5 de julho de 2014 - Horário: 15:30
Local: Praça do DMAE - Av. 24 de Outubro esq. Dr. Vale
// Evento no facebook

Talk-Show Movimento do Nadismo no HAPPY TOTAL / POA - RS
Data: Quinta, 26 de junho de 2014 - Horário: 19:00 (entrada franca)
Local: Shopping Total (praça de eventos) Avenida Cristóvão Colombo, 545

Bate papo: Nadismo - Quebrando a Cultura da Aceleração / POA - RS
Data: Sexta, 13 de junho de 2014 - Horário: 18:00
Local: Casa Liberdade (sala Nave) - Rua Liberdade 553

Encontro do Clube de Nadismo - PELOTAS / RS
Data: Sábado, 24 de maio de 2014 - Horário: 16:00
Local: Parque da Baronesa - Avenida Domingos de Almeida, 1490 - Areal

Encontro do Clube de Nadismo - PORTO ALEGRE / RS
Na 7ª edição do Projeto Vizinhança no bairro Santa Tereza (+ infos)
Data: Sábado, 17 de maio de 2014 - Horário: 15:00
Local: Rua Dona Sofia, 40

Encontro do Clube de Nadismo - PORTO ALEGRE / RS
Data: Sábado, 10 de maio de 2014 - Horário: 16:30
Local: Parque do DMAE (Caixa D'água) / Av. 24 de Out. esq. Dr. Vale

Encontro do Clube de Nadismo - PORTO ALEGRE / RS
Data: Sábado, 15 de março de 2014 - Horário: 17:30
Local: Parque do DMAE (Caixa D'água) / Av. 24 de Out. esq. Dr. Vale
// Evento no facebook

Encontro do Clube de Nadismo - MECA Festival / RS
Data: Sábado, 25 de janeiro - 16h e 17h Talk Nadismo X aceleração c/ Marcelo Bohrer
Local: Hotel Fazenda Pontal / Maquiné - RS (mapa)
Older events
Nadism Club - Meetings
- 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010 - Several events in many cities in Brazil
- 2009 - event at Central Park, NYC / USA + events in Brazil
- 2008 - event in London / UK close to the London Eye + events in Brazil
- 2007, 2006 - Several events in many cities in Brazil
- 2005 - first nadism experience London / UK held by founder of Nadism Club, Marcelo Bohrer